Sunday, May 10, 2009

If you would like to be a part of Sock It Up, please email me and I will send you a flier on where to send your donated new socks by May 31. Thanks for your consideration. Thanks to Patrick for creating the "Sock it Up" Logo. Much Love!

Happy Mothers' Day/Sock It Up

Happy Mothers' Day to all the wonderful mothers. We went to Chicago to celebrate Mothers' Day. It was a beautiful day..a little chillybut pretty. We visited the Science and Industry Museum and ate at Dixie Kitchen. All in all, I had a very nice Mother's Day. With all of that said, I hope all of you mothers were treated nice like I was.

Well I want to introduce our family community service project. Sock It Up. We are having a sock drive for the homeless. We are collecting new socks for homeless men, women and children. We are following President Obama and doing our part on giving back to the community. No matter what life throws us, everyone receives blessings and has much to give thanks. Our family got this idea when one day we were eating dinner,(we eat dinner every night together and share about our day, our thoughts and just keep connected) and I told them about this homeless convention I attended and I shared with them about all of the people I met and how they were without the simplest things. Things we take for granted. So we thought about how we can give back. This is when Sock It UP was granted wings.