We got back home Sunday. What a long trip back. W did good on the plane. He didn't like to wear the seat belt. We were on Emirates airline and they had monitors on every seat so W liked to push buttons and watch movies. This week he has been keeping me busy. Between the girls' schedule and him getting into everything, I will need to take some vitamins. We call him Wynnie the Explorer. He loves his big sisters. They play with him after homework which gives me a break. He is such a silly boy which makes him fit in with our family. He loves the bath and I hoping this means he loves the water. Right now, he is with Daddy getting his first hair cut. I know he is going to CLOWN!!
Ethiopia was beautiful and I was asked several times if I was Ethiopian. That is a big compliment because Ethiopians are beautiful people. Going to Africa was a life changing experience for me. It is indescribable. Each day we woke up to chanting both Christians and Muslims. Both coexisting with no hatred. The sunrises made me feel that God was watching every step and had His hand in every moment. I could just feel His presence. Have you ever felt like this is where you are supposed to be? Well this is one of those experiences for me. I know this is where I am supposed to be in my life. So the lesson I have learned-- when you feel that tugging on your heart, stop fighting it because God's plan is better than your plan anyday.
Ayana is growin like a weed!
13 years ago